Saturday, January 10, 2009

About the Town of Rocky Bluff

Rocky Bluff is a beach community not yet discovered by the rich and famous. From the ocean, the town itself is built on a slowly rising hillside, with homes of various ages and sizes climbing to the top. On one side of the town is a rocky bluff from where it got its name--and where the newest and most expensive homes are located, as well as the Rocky Bluff Community Church--the largest Protestant church. All Saint's Calvary church and St. Mark's Catholic church were located in the older downtown area.

Funky little cottages were closest to the beach. Built in the thirties as vacation get-aways from people from Los Angeles, most in stages of disrepair now served as lower-income rentals though a few had been purchased and refurbished by young marrieds.

A privately owned and run campground was on the most southern end of the town, right next to the condemned pier. Also at that end of town were several abandoned warehouses occupied at times by the transient homeless. The city fathers talked about the demolition of the pier and the warehouses, but so far that's all it was--talk.

Restaurants came and went, but a diner downtown, a Mexican bar with a Chinese restaurant above it had all been there for years. The Chinese restaurant is one of Detective Milligan's favorites. Of course a couple of the fast-food chains have opened close to the freeway entrances.

There are two elementary schools, one on either side of town, that go to the eight grade and one high school. Upon graduating, most of the young people go to Ventura or Santa Barbara to college or to find jobs.

Rocky Bluff P.D. is a small department with a Chief, a couple of Lieutenants, two Detectives, three Sergeants, and between seven and ten officers. At the moment, Stacey is the only female officer. When there is a need for one, Rocky Bluff calls in the Ventura County coroner.

For the most part, the town has been untouched by big city crime. Oh, of course there is prostitution, some drug dealing, and they've had some murders. But so far, the gangs haven't moved in. In some ways, visiting Rocky Bluff is like stepping back in time.

Stacey Wilbur feels like it's the best and safest place to raise her son, Davey.


  1. Hi Marilyn,
    Your blogspot is the recipient of a Premio Dardos award. Please stop by at to acknowledge.

    Morgan Mandel

  2. Rocky Bluff seems to have a lot of similarities to my town here, Taylorville, which, by turns, exasperates and charms me.


  3. I enjoyed reading about Rocky Bluff. It will be a pleasure to visit in my reading.

    Nash Black
